Kingdom Mysteries Revealed

Moses knew that the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, so that we might do all the words that God commands (Deuteronomy 29:29). Granted, Moses lived a long time ago, but the reality is that God still reveals his secrets today, not to everyone, but to Christ’s disciples (Matthew 13:11). Never forget that no one is greater than our God. Neither demonically-inspired intellectuals nor the ruling classes of evil principalities can boast of having unrecoverable knowledge or things that can be hidden from the Lord. None can safeguard their plots, schemes, or agendas when the Lord sends forth his word to accomplish what he desires (Isaiah 55:11; Hebrews 4:13). The Lord revealed to me a couple of years ago that his ambassadors, his sent-one disciples, are “the word(s)” that he is sending forth. His word, placed in our mouths by the Holy Ghost, is what is being sent forth. And God declares that it shall be accomplished and prosper where he sends it. Do you believe that? So do I.

During Jesus’s day, if the workers of darkness had only known that they were setting a trap for themselves, they never would have crucified the Lord of glory (I Corinthians 2:8). Believe this: demons and wicked people, no matter how intelligent they may appear to be, they don’t know everything (Isaiah 44:25). They certainly don’t know more than the Godhead. So, all who choose to be willing and obedient to pray the will of God without the threat of fear, uncertainty, or doubt (F.U.D.) can and will be mightily used of God in these last days. Jesus has given his righteous remnant authority over all of the power of the enemy. Tell yourself these words with firm conviction. It’s time to intercede, knowing ahead of time that we have the victory over every opposition to the word of God!

Again, if you are a disciple of Christ and a part of his remnant body, then Jesus declares that it is given to you to know the secrets or mysteries of God’s kingdom (Matthew 13:11). The Lord revealed a mystery to the Apostle Paul that had been kept secret for ages and generations. What was this hidden knowledge, mystery, or secret? It was a revelation of “Christ-in-you, the hope of glory” (Colossians 1:26-27). Without Christ, we can do nothing, but through him, we can do all that God requires of us and accomplish his will in the earth (John 15:5; Philippians 4:13; Isaiah 55:11). If God says, “You’re qualified,” then are you qualified? If you could go back in time and inquire of Gideon, he would proclaim this truth and show you through his testimony that whatever God says that you can do, you can do it (Judges 6:12–16).

I don’t know about you, but the Holy Spirit has convinced me of this. God wants every disciple to be able to say, “Within my flesh dwells no good thing, but the greater one lives in me, and his power is activated in my born-again spirit (I John 4:4). Therefore, I no longer exclusively look at what I want, what I think, or what I feel, but I find it more advantageous to focus on what God wants. What does God desire? What will please him? What does God think about this? How does God feel about this? ” When we assess our circumstances in this way, we can more readily understand, know, and be able to declare and decree, “I am who God says that I am. I can do what God says I can do. And I can have what God says that I can have.” Jesus said we should always pray and not faint or give up and quit (Luke 18:1). So, let’s do it God’s way… It’s time to let Christ’s glory be revealed in you!

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