Lift The Whole Spectrum

The Lord told me recently to have our congregation to intercede and lift up the entire spectrum of conditions, ranging from bad to good. We should pray about things that are lacking, things that are weak, things that are merely satisfactory, and even things that are solidly good. The Holy Spirit is challenging intercessors to cry out for God to supply the lack, to strengthen the things that are weak, to help satisfactory conditions to rise from the mediocrity of familiarity or complacency, and to pray that the manifestation of good things would advance toward greater As the Apostle Paul states in Colossians 4:12, God is pleased with intercessors that pray for others to stand maturely and completely, being fully assured, in all the will of God. We must give the enemy no place. Do not allow him to take up space in our hearts, souls, minds, or strength. God doesn’t want us to be nervous, fearful, or doubtful. Neither does he want us to blame others. God wants intercessors to walk in spirit life, to be joyful, and to have testimonies of victory. God wants us to see him, to know him, and to know that everything is well. Can you see yourself doing exploits for God? See it because it’s possible, and it’s a spiritual reality waiting to manifest in the realm that God has given you jurisdiction over… It’s time to advance on the spectrum!

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